Zelensky: it’s time to create “Europe’s armed forces”

This article was initially published in English

The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that he would not spread the possibility of Ukraine membership in NATO, but that “at present, the most influential member of NATO seems Putin, because he seems able to block the decisions “of the block.


The time has come to create “Europe’s armed forces,” said Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky during his intervention at the Munich on security conference on Saturday morning.

“The EU will not get by on its own, but either,” he said, reiterating its severe warning According to which Russia could attack NATO countries next year, the preparations for an attack may be already underway.

He referred to the possession by Kyiv of reliable information on Russian operations at Bélarus From the summer of 2025. “We have clear information according to which Russia plans to send troops to Bélarus during the summer under the pretext of exercises. But this is exactly how the invasion of Ukraine was prepared three years ago “.

“Are these forces intended to attack Ukraine? Perhaps they are for you, for Europe. Are your armies ready? How long will your allies react, if they are so that they do it? ” asked Mr. Zelensky, when he is not sure that Ukraine or Europe can count on the United States Support.

“Let’s be clear: we cannot exclude the possibility that America refuses to cooperate with Europe on questions that threaten it”.

Speaking at the Munich conference on security last Friday, he cited the Ukrainian intelligence services that Russia is preparing between 100,000 and 150,000 soldiers to enter Bélarus, the closest ally of Russia, which could serve as a launch base for a possible attack in the future.

“I do not know if they will attack Ukraine, but they will attack. Perhaps Ukraine, perhaps Poland, perhaps the Baltic countries,” said Zelensky.

Since the massive invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the criticisms of the American administration on the defense expenses of its allies, only Poland, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia have announced significant increases in their Defense expenses.

During his speech, Mr. Zelensky said that defense expenses were important, but that it was impossible to defend states with these expenses alone.

“It is not more complicated than resisting Russian attacks, as we have already done. But it is not only a question of increasing defense expenses in percentage of GDP. Of course, we need ‘Money, but money alone cannot stop the enemy’s advance, “he added.

“Without the Ukrainian army, the European armies will not be enough to stop Russia. This is reality. Only our army in Europe has a real experience of modern war,” he added.

Volodymyr Zelensky declared that he did not exclude Ukraine’s membership in the Transatlantic Alliance. However, he deplored that “at present, the most influential member of NATO seems to be Putin, because he seems to be able to block” Bloc decisions, commenting on some of the requirements of Moscow taken up by Representatives of the American administration, such as the exclusion of Ukraine’s membership in NATO and the fact of qualifying‘”unrealistic“Any return to the borders of the country before 2014.

“We believe that the heart of any security guarantee for Ukraine should be membership of NATO. Or conditions that allow us to build another NATO, here in Ukraine.”

For this, he insisted, Ukraine should increase the number of its troops to put them at the level of those of Russia, but it would also need more money and weapons to equip them.

“I ask each of you: if Russia came to attack you, could your army fight in the same way? I don’t want someone to discover it one day. That’s why we are talking about security guarantees. This is why, for us, either to join NATO, or to obtain the conditions necessary for the construction of another NATO in Ukraine “.

Additional sources • Adaptation: Serge Duchêne

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