With the occupation announcing the end of the attack in Rafah, battles intensify in the south of the Gaza Strip News

Medical sources told Tel Aviv Tribune that the number of martyrs in the Israeli raids on the Gaza Strip since dawn on Tuesday has risen to 56, including women and children, with the occupation announcing the near end of the attack in Rafah, and the resistance targeting the Kissufim settlement.

Tel Aviv Tribune’s correspondent said that 11 people were martyred in an Israeli raid on the Haniyeh family home in the Beach Camp, including the sister of the head of the Hamas political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, one of her sons, and 6 of her grandchildren.

He explained that the bombing hit two schools in Gaza, one of which belongs to UNRWA in the Beach camp.

For his part, Ismail Haniyeh stressed that the occupation would be delusional if it thought that by targeting his family it would change its positions or resistance, and stressed that every martyr in Gaza and Palestine is from his family and family.

Tel Aviv Tribune’s correspondent also reported that 3 martyrs were killed as a result of an Israeli bombing that targeted a gathering of Palestinians north of the city of Rafah.

Civil Defense crews in the city of Rafah recovered 7 martyrs from the vicinity of UNRWA warehouses, west of the city of Rafah, near the Red Cross Hospital.

In the northern Gaza Strip, local sources reported that Israeli aircraft bombed a 4-storey house and its occupants in the Beit Lahia project area yesterday evening, Tuesday.

The Medical Services Department said that about 40 people were inside the house, according to the owners of the house, and most of those inside were children and women, while the Civil Defense crews evacuated a number of martyrs and survivors, and operations are still ongoing to search for those trapped under the rubble.

Kissufim bombing

On the ground, the Al-Qassam Brigades and the Al-Quds Brigades announced that they had attacked Israeli soldiers and vehicles in Rafah, while the Al-Quds Brigades said that they had bombed the enemy’s command headquarters in the Abu Ariban site on the Netzarim axis with heavy mortar shells.

The Al-Quds Brigades published pictures of their bombardment, along with the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and the Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades, of the “Kissufim” military site with mortar shells.

For its part, Israeli Army Radio said that the announcement of the dismantling of the Rafah Brigade of the Hamas movement (south of the Gaza Strip) may come within days.

The radio added that the announcement will mark the end of the intensive phase of the ground maneuver in the Gaza Strip.

The radio revealed an intention to maintain Israeli forces in the Philadelphia axis to uncover and destroy what it called smuggling tunnels.

For his part, the head of the strategic unit of the Israeli Air Force said that after 8 months of war, the army was able to destroy only between 35% and 40% of Hamas’ force, while the head of the Israeli National Security Council, Tzachi Hanegbi, said that the Hamas movement cannot be eliminated, even if Israel and the international community work to find an alternative party to rule the Gaza Strip, and not just work to destroy the movement’s military capabilities.

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