Widespread international anger against Israel for killing activist Aisha Nour | News

Arab and international reactions condemned the killing of Turkish-American activist Aisha Nur Azgi Aygi yesterday, Friday, by Israeli occupation soldiers in the northern occupied West Bank.

The Israeli army killed activist Aisha Nour with live bullets while she was participating in an activity denouncing settlements in the town of Beita in the Nablus Governorate in the northern West Bank.

For his part, Fouad Nafaa, director of Rafidia Hospital, said that Aisha Nour arrived at the hospital with a bullet wound to the head, where “a resuscitation operation was performed on her, but she was martyred.”

The Turkish Foreign Ministry condemned, in a statement, the killing of its citizen, considering that Israel “is working to silence and intimidate anyone who rushes to the aid of the Palestinians and fights against the genocide” it is carrying out against them.

The White House also expressed “deep concern” over the killing of the activist in solidarity with the Palestinian cause, in a statement. Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for the UN Secretary-General, called for a “thorough investigation” and for the Israeli soldiers involved in her killing to be held accountable.

For its part, the International Solidarity Movement said that Israel deliberately targeted and killed the activist. It added – in a statement – that the volunteer with the movement was participating as an observer in weekly demonstrations in the Nablus Governorate.

Arabic condemnation

In Arabic, the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that the killing of the activist was “a translation of the instructions of the Israeli political level to facilitate the use of live ammunition for the purpose of killing.”

In turn, the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) considered – via a statement – that “Washington’s biased policies led to the killing of Aisha Nour,” calling on the American administration to “review its biased policy that supports the crimes and massacres of the occupation.”

In Amman, the Jordanian Foreign Ministry condemned in the “strongest terms” the targeting of the American activist, saying in a statement that it was “a heinous crime that requires those responsible to be held accountable.”

In Doha, the Qatari Foreign Ministry condemned, in a statement, “this heinous crime,” and considered it “a link in the chain of repeated brutal crimes of the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian cause and human rights.”

Qatar warned that “the international community’s silence regarding these horrific violations is a renewed incentive for the occupation to commit more atrocities.” It stressed that “the voices of free activists around the world will not be silenced by the bullets of the treacherous occupation and will continue to resound with truth in support of the rights of the Palestinian people.”

In Cairo, Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid offered his “sincere condolences to the government and people of the sisterly state of Turkey, and to the family of the martyr for their painful loss.”

Abu Zeid considered – in a statement – that “this crime is a new example of the daily Israeli violations against Palestinian civilians and those who stand in solidarity with them, which is added to what they face of all forms of violence and disregard for human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories.”

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