10/28/2024–|Last updated: 10/28/202411:36 PM (Mecca time)
Kuwaiti politicians and activists denounced what they described as “insults” issued by journalist Meshal Al-Nami towards the women of the Gaza Strip, and while a number of them – who recently visited the Strip – issued a statement rejecting what Al-Nami said, others began taking legal measures against him.
About 27 doctors and activists who recently visited the Gaza Strip – in a joint statement – denied the media claim that one of the people who went to Gaza was the one who told him that.
The statement said, “By entering the Gaza Strip during this heinous and ongoing aggression, we witnessed the extent of the noble morals of the people of Gaza that overwhelmed us from all sides. Their men, with their magnanimity, courage, and generosity, on the one hand, and their women, with their chastity, dignity, and eagerness for the Gazan woman to remain an immortal example.”
17 Kuwaiti doctors who were honored by God to enter the cities of the Gaza Strip to provide aid to the Palestinian people issued a joint statement in which they rejected insulting… #Pure_Gaza
They bear witness to the great heroic role played by the women of Gaza in confronting the Zionist enemy and in defending the honor of the nation.
Below is the text of the statement:The State of Kuwait… pic.twitter.com/SKWrV2oDgm
– Dahem Al-Qahtani (@dahemq) October 28, 2024
The statement added, “We have seen in the aggression and terrorism that has been practiced against the Gaza Strip for more than a year the ugliest types of military, psychological, and media wars, but we did not imagine that even the most powerful extremists of the Zionist entity would use attacking the chastity and honor of the women of Gaza as a cheap weapon in this battle, because everyone realizes that We fully understand the formation, upbringing, faith, and dignity of the women of Gaza and the women of Palestine in general. They – and we consider them to be so from the reality of observation and inspection – are pure, honorable and chaste, and among those who set an example in patience, composure, and support of resistance and jihad.
The statement stressed that “the people of Gaza – led by its women who produce steadfastness and steadfastness – will not be discouraged by the slanders of the slanderers, nor will they deceive the deceivers, and will not abandon their great battle with the Zionist entity to pay attention to voices and pens that have abandoned the truth in order to please the occupying entity and its followers, and history will write that women Gaza are the traitors of this era, they are steadfast despite all oppression, and they are the ones who preserve God’s limits until victory.”
The statement concluded by saying, “This is what we witnessed, and what we wrote and spoke about in this statement, and God is a witness to what we say.”
Among the most prominent signatories of the statement are Hussein Al-Quwaian, Omar Hassan Al-Hunaidi, Mansour Ajeel Al-Shammari, Hussam Muhammad Bashir, Adnan Asad Al-Kandari, Omar Yaqoub Al-Thuwaini, Muhammad Ali Al-Kandari, and others.
In defense of people #Gaza And the symptoms of its pure women are presented by the Vice President of the Civil Conservative Party
A. Ahmed Al-Hammadi
With a report to the Counselor, the Attorney General, against the invitee #Mishaal_Al-Nami Regarding his transgression(And those who wronged will know which way they will turn.)#Stop_Mishaal_AlNami #Your_right_is_on_us_people_of_Gaza #Symptoms_red_line pic.twitter.com/cv9wjNaoDu
— Civic Conservative Party
(@CCPKuwait) October 28, 2024
Legal procedures
On the other hand, the “Civil Conservative Party” announced – through its account on the .
Writer Hamid Bou Yabis also filed a criminal complaint with the Public Prosecutor against Al-Nami. The complaint stated that Al-Nami “committed a great atrocity when he exposed the honor and reputation of the valiant women of the Gaza Strip with lies, perjury, and slander, which necessitated his deserved prosecution under the umbrella of the law that was created to deter anyone who dares to challenge people’s dignity, undermine the honor of their reputation, and degrade their status.” .
The complaint added, “This cheap and immoral attack against unwary, faithful and protected women without concrete and material evidence constitutes a criminal offense under the articles of the Internal and External State Security Law, in addition to the Cybercrime Law.”
To women #Gaza .. Patient, pure warriors
Peace be upon you, ladies of grace and grace
Peace be upon the holy prison
And cover the gowns in the morning
Peace be upon you, when the time of birds comes,
Or when the wind starts blowing
Peace be upon you at all times..
The difference between the beauty of the eyes,
And the beauty of weapons..— Dr. Suad Mohammed Al-Sabah (@suad_alsabah) October 28, 2024
Widespread condemnation
On a related level, media figures, academics, athletes, and advocates denounced Al-Nami’s allegations. The poet and writer Souad Muhammad Al-Sabah wrote on the X platform:
“Peace be upon you, ladies of grace and grace
Peace be upon the holy prison
And cover the gowns in the morning
Peace be upon you, when the time for birds comes,
Or when the wind starts blowing
Peace be upon you all the time..
The difference between the beauty of the eyes,
And the beauty of weapons…
Even the Zionists did not dare to attack the honor of the women of Gaza!
Then a cuckold with an unclean tongue and body comes to attack the honor of women who offer their souls to God, and we have seen nothing but high morals from them!
Every vessel with what is in it oozes, and the devoid of honor only oozes prostitution and promiscuity!
Oh God, take revenge… Oh God, take revenge…– Dr. Muhammad Al-Kandari (@Dr_M_Alkandari) October 27, 2024
Academic Muhammad Al-Kandari tweeted: “Even the Zionists did not dare to attack the honor of the women of Gaza…”
As for the Kuwaiti national team player, Khalaf Owaid, he wrote, “We did not see the women of Gaza except patient warriors, devout teachers, and they did not come out from under the rubble except while holding on to their veils and being modest. How many fools have spoken, stabbed, and blasphemed. The chaste women have only increased honor and elevation in our hearts, and there is no consolation for the haters who lack dignity.” And noble meanings.”
Preacher and thinker Muhammad Al-Awadi pointed to the seriousness of the situation, saying, “Investigating people’s honor and attacking the honor of Muslim women is a monster that combines the vileness of nature and the hatred of Zionists.” He added: “These actions will not go unpunished in this world and the afterlife.”
#Mishaal_Al-Nami …Take your name and leave
Kuwaiti writer Meshaal Al-Nami appeared in a clip in which he accuses #Women_of_Gaza Practicing prostitution out of necessity, quoting “one person went there.” “It is enough of a lie for a man to narrate everything he hears.” Al-Nami heard a lie, dared to attack our tissues with miserable sideburns, and accused an entire people facing genocide and siege… pic.twitter.com/Y0z4Kn8iWu
– Daoud Al Shirian (@alshiriandawood) October 28, 2024
For his part, the Saudi journalist, Dawoud Al-Sharyan, expressed his condemnation of Al-Nami’s insult, and addressed him, saying: “Fear God, man… What you said is a dawning of hostility, which you reject chivalry. And your talk about our mothers, sisters, and daughters is more brutal than killing, greater than transgressions, and more severe than all sins. O Meshal Get out of our land…from our land…from our sea…from our wheat…from our salt…from our wounds…from everything, and get out of the vocabulary of memory…carry your name and your nonsense and leave.”
Kuwaiti writer Muhammad Al-Matar expressed his concern about the attempts of puppet media entities to influence the nation’s issues, saying: “These entities have reached a stage of unprecedented baseness.”