Wide international and Arab condemnations of Israel after the Khiam massacre in Rafah News


International condemnations continued denouncing the large massacre committed by the Israeli occupation forces in a camp for displaced people in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, which caused the death of at least 45 people, most of them women and children, and the injury of dozens of others.

For his part, he said: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan His country “will do everything in its power” to hold Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the “barbaric” and “murderers” authorities accountable in the wake of the strikes on Rafah.

He added, “This massacre, which occurred after the International Court of Justice called for a halt to the attacks, once again revealed the cruel and treacherous face of the terrorist state.”

He continued, “Just like the leader of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler, the president of former Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic, the former leader of the Bosnian Serbs, Radovan Karadzic, and other pharaohs of history whom they admire, they will not be able to avoid being cursed.”

He in turn shrugged French President Emmanuel Macron Israeli strikes on a camp for displaced people in Rafah. He said that he felt “angry,” and added on the X platform that “those operations must stop. There are no safe areas in Rafah for Palestinian civilians.”

Macron called for “full respect for international law and an immediate ceasefire.”

For his part, he condemned Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris The Israeli bombing of the displaced persons camp in Rafah described it as “horrific” and raises serious questions about international law.

He said in press statements in the capital, Dublin, that “the bombing of a center where people go and where parents bring their children to be safe, on a sudden night, is a horrific thing.”

Harris pointed out that Ireland was one of two countries that signed a letter calling for a review of the trade partnership agreement between the European Union and Israel. He added, “I do not think that the European Union should be afraid of this review.”

He continued, “I am proud that Ireland recognized the State of Palestine with Norway and Spain, but at the present time children are dying and displaced centers are being bombed. This is a despicable move.”

As described European Union Foreign Affairs Officer Josep Borrell The Israeli strikes on the displaced persons camp in Rafah were “horrific,” and he said, “I condemn this matter in the strongest terms,” stressing that “these attacks must be stopped immediately.”

Borrell also stressed the necessity of implementing the decision of the International Court of Justice calling for stopping the military attacks on Rafah, and said that “everyone agrees that the decisions of the International Court of Justice are binding and must be implemented.”

From his side, description MThe United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) was authorized by Philippe LazzariniHe described the situation in Rafah as “tragic” and said that the images coming from the city were “horrifying and completely disturbing.”

He said in a press conference after his meeting with Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati in Beirut, “We are suffering in bringing aid into the Gaza Strip, and yesterday we saw a disturbing and terrifying picture of the victims there, and communications are not available with colleagues on the ground.”

He revealed that 14 donors (out of 16 that suspended funding) had resumed their contributions to the agency, and the United States announced that it would not resume its donations before next March, and Britain also did not resume its funding. He also reported that “192 agency employees were killed in the Gaza Strip, “This is unprecedented.”

For her part, she shrugged German Foreign Minister Annalena BaerbockShe explicitly condemned Israel after the Khiam massacre in Rafah, affecting the shift to the issue of aid, as she said that her country “supports the idea of ​​deploying a European Union mission at the Rafah border crossing in the Gaza Strip.”

She continued: We Europeans will contribute to delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza if its entry into the Strip is facilitated, explaining that they intend to study the matter with “regional parties and the Arab world.”

The African Union condemned the Israeli massacre, and the President of the African Commission, Moussa Faki, said that the horrific Israeli air strikes in the displaced persons camp in Rafah are evidence that Israel continues to violate international law with impunity and in contempt of the ruling of the International Court of Justice, which ordered the end of its military action in Rafah. The need to adhere to the decision of the International Court of Justice and cease fire immediately.

Arab condemnation and denunciation

The Arab countries condemned the Israeli massacre in a camp for displaced people in Rafah, considering it a “violation” of international laws and resolutions.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi warned of the dangers of the Israeli operation in Rafah, and stressed the need to intensify efforts to contain the situation and stop the war, and “the need for serious international engagement in implementing the two-state solution in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy.”

The Egyptian Foreign Ministry had previously described what happened in Rafah yesterday, Sunday, as a “tragic incident” and called on the UN Security Council to intervene to ensure an end to the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip and operations in the city of Rafah. She stressed that the massacre is “a continuation of the continued targeting of defenseless civilians and the systematic policy aimed at expanding the scope of killing and destruction in the Gaza Strip to make it unlivable.”

For its part, the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs considered the Israeli bombing a “dangerous violation of international laws.” She stressed “the need for the Israeli authorities to adhere to the decision of the International Court of Justice calling for an end to the military attacks on Rafah,” and called on the international community to “take urgent action to prevent the commission of the crime of genocide, and to provide full protection for civilians.”

Saudi Arabia also condemned “in the strongest terms the continued massacres of the Israeli occupation forces, and their continued targeting of defenseless civilians in the Gaza Strip, the latest of which is targeting the tents of displaced Palestinians,” and called on the international community to “immediately intervene to stop the massacres committed by the Israeli occupation forces.”

Kuwait denounced the Israeli aggression against the tents of the displaced in Rafah and said that this clearly exposed Israel and the whole world committing an unprecedented genocide and blatant war crimes that require immediate and decisive intervention from the international community. The Sultanate of Oman also affirmed that “these heinous acts require deterrent international intervention, including “The international community imposed sanctions on Israel.”

Jordan called for those responsible for the new Israeli attack to be held accountable, and a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs stated that the Israeli attack is “a blatant challenge to the decisions of the International Court of Justice and a grave violation of international law and international humanitarian law,” and called for “protection for defenseless civilians in Gaza and for relief organizations and their employees.”

The Arab Parliament also denounced “the heinous massacre carried out by the Israeli occupation entity against Palestinian civilians in the camps for the displaced in Rafah,” stressing that “the occupation entity has violated all international and legitimate laws, customs and resolutions that call for an immediate cessation of the aggression and a halt to the military attack on the city of Rafah.”

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