What is the financial cost of the war against Gaza? | TV shows

Israel says the fighting is costing it millions of dollars every day as Gaza suffers unprecedented devastation.

An exhausted workforce. Closure of schools and businesses. And now military spending is skyrocketing.

Economists warn that the cost to Israel of its war on Gaza will be unprecedented in decades.

Israel’s declaration of war more than three weeks ago following a surprise Hamas attack shook global financial and energy markets.

And the devastation in the Gaza Strip is unprecedented

So what is the real cost for both parties?

And what is the impact in the region and in the world?

Presenter: Tom McRae


Menachem Klein – professor of political science at Bar-Ilan University

Natasha Lindstaedt – Deputy Dean of Government at the University of Essex

Yousef Munayyer – Palestine/Israel Program Manager and Senior Fellow at the Arab Center

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