West Bank.. The occupation continues escalation and calls for marches in support of Gaza | News


The Israeli occupation forces continued their attacks on West Bank cities in conjunction with the continuation of their war on the Gaza Strip, where a Palestinian was martyred and others were injured in Ramallah. The occupation forces also stormed areas in Nablus and Balata refugee camp, while calling on national and Islamic forces in the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, to participate in marches. After Friday prayers in support of the Gaza Strip.

Tel Aviv Tribune’s correspondent said that the 17-year-old young man, Asid Al-Rimawi, was killed by occupation bullets in the town of Beit Rima, northwest of Ramallah, while the Palestinian Red Crescent said that 6 Palestinian youths were injured, including two seriously injured, during confrontations with the occupation forces that broke out in the center of the town after… The occupation forces and their vehicles stormed it at dawn today.

The number of Palestinian martyrs shot by the Israeli occupation and settlers in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem since the beginning of the war on the Gaza Strip on the 7th of last October has risen to 326 martyrs, including 7 martyrs in less than a week since the beginning of the current year 2024.

Occupation forces during their storming of areas near Jenin (Reuters)

The attacks of the past hours were not limited to Ramallah, as a number of Palestinians were injured during the Israeli occupation forces’ storming of Balata Camp and the eastern area of ​​the city of Nablus in the northern West Bank.

The occupation forces withdrew from Balata camp early this morning after raiding it from the Beit Furik military checkpoint in the south, accompanied by a bulldozer, amid gunfire, clashes, and the sound of successive explosions.

During the night, the Israeli occupation forces continued to storm several cities and towns there. They also stormed the city of Halhul, north of Hebron, and Dura, and sent patrols and vehicles into the city, followed by storming the city of Yatta, south of Hebron. The occupation forces also raided the village of Azzun, east of Qalqilya.

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