West Bank.. Al-Aqsa raids and escalation of resistance | News

The new episode of “Tel Aviv Tribune Net Panorama” deals with developments in the West Bank, which witnessed a hot week that combined continued resistance and escalating Israeli attacks, especially in Jerusalem, coinciding with the Jewish Passover holiday.

After more than 200 days, the Israeli occupation’s plans to isolate Gaza from the West Bank have not succeeded, and day after day, this fact is confirmed with the escalation of resistance in the West Bank, the number of whose martyrs during the past days reached about 500, in addition to 5,000 wounded and 8,430 prisoners.

The past days have witnessed resistance operations, and have also witnessed a continuation of attacks carried out by the occupation forces, in addition to attempts by settlers and extremist officials to storm Al-Aqsa Mosque to slaughter sacrifices on the occasion of the Jewish Passover.

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