Watch.. Occupation soldiers sing Hanukkah in one of Jenin’s mosques | News

An Israeli account on Telegram called “Intellinews” published a video clip showing Israeli occupation soldiers singing religious songs inside one of the mosques of the Jenin camp in the occupied West Bank.

According to eyewitness accounts, occupation soldiers stormed a mosque in Jenin with their shoes during the noon call to prayer, arrested those inside, and then began using the mosque’s loudspeakers to chant Hanukkah songs.

Jews all over the world celebrate this holiday in memory of the so-called “victory of the Hasmoneans” in their revolution against the Greeks during the “Second Temple” period, according to the claim of the Jews who claimed that the Greeks oppressed rights and prevented Jewish worship, and their “revolution” resulted in the occupation of Jerusalem and the replacement of Jewish rule in Greek.

For the third day in a row, the Israeli army continues its military operation in the city of Jenin and its camp in the northern West Bank, which led to the martyrdom of 8 Palestinians and the widespread destruction of property.

The Israeli army intensified raids and arrest operations in cities and towns in the West Bank, coinciding with a devastating war it has been waging in the Gaza Strip since last October 7, which left thousands martyred and wounded.

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