Watch.. An Israeli prisoner held by Al-Qassam: Save us and we do not want the fate of Ron Arad | News


The Al-Qassam Brigades – the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) – broadcast a video clip of an Israeli female prisoner in the Gaza Strip, during which she demanded that they be rescued from captivity, and that their fate not be similar to the fate of the Israeli pilot Ron Arad, who has been missing for decades.

The Israeli prisoner – whose name was withheld in the video – appealed to Israeli society not to leave the fate of the prisoners in Gaza in the hands of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the War Council.

She asked the Israeli people, saying, “Have you become members of the government of Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and member of the War Council, Benny Gantz?” She added, wondering, “Will my fate and the fate of my colleagues become like Ron Arad?”

She called on thousands of Israelis – women and men – to close the streets of Tel Aviv and not return to their homes until the prisoners detained in Gaza return, and she went on to say, “The people must decide, and we do not want to die here.”

She indicated that she has been in Al-Qassam prison for more than 237 days, and she does not know how long she will remain there. She concluded her message by saying, “Save us” and “Time is running out.”

A week ago, the Al-Qassam Brigades announced that it had captured the commander of the Southern Brigade in the Gaza Division of the Israeli occupation army, Assaf Hamami, on October 7, confirming that he had been injured during his arrest, and leaving the ambiguity about his fate open.

In early March, Al-Qassam spokesman Abu Ubaida revealed that the number of Israeli prisoners killed as a result of the “enemy” army’s military operations in the Gaza Strip “may exceed 70 prisoners,” before announcing late the following month that “Ron Arad’s scenario may be the best.” Good luck repeating with the enemy prisoners in Gaza.”

On October 7, Al-Qassam carried out a major attack on bases, barracks and settlements around the Gaza Strip, killing hundreds of Israeli soldiers and officers, and capturing at least 240 Israelis. More than 100 of them were released during a temporary humanitarian truce in November. Second past.

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