Watch… Al-Qassam explodes a building with Israeli force and snipers soldiers in the Rafah battles | News

Al-Qassam Brigades – the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) – broadcast scenes of the targeting of Israeli occupation soldiers and vehicles in various areas of advance in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

The scenes included the targeting of an Israeli tank with an anti-armor missile, the “Al-Yassin 105”, and the detonation of a “Thunder” explosive device against 4 Israeli soldiers who were inside a building.

The Qassami scenes also included a series of sniper operations with the “Ghoul” rifle, directly wounding Israeli soldiers in various places, as well as the bombardment of the occupation crowds with mortar shells on the front lines of advance.

Two days ago, Israeli Army Radio revealed that 3 soldiers were killed and others were injured following the detonation of an explosive device planted inside a building in Rafah at the moment a force from the 50th Battalion of the Nahal Brigade entered, leading to its collapse.

On May 6, Tel Aviv announced the start of a military operation in Rafah, claiming that it was “limited in scope,” before the Israeli army announced – a short time later – that it had occupied the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing, which connects the Gaza Strip to Egypt.

The Al-Qassam Brigades in Gaza have been documenting their operations against the occupation army forces and vehicles on various fronts of combat since the start of the Israeli ground operation on October 27, and many details of the operations carried out against the occupation forces appeared in the video clips.

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