Watch… Al-Qassam destroys a military bulldozer in Gaza and bombs Israeli forces with mortars | News

Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), broadcast scenes of its fighters targeting an Israeli military bulldozer and shelling the occupation forces with mortar shells in the Gaza Strip.

According to the video, published by Al-Qassam, an Israeli D-9 bulldozer was targeted with an anti-tank missile, the Al-Yassin 105, in the southeast of the Al-Sabra neighborhood in Gaza City.

The video also included scenes of Al-Qassam fighters bombing the occupation forces stationed in the Netzarim axis, which separates the north of the Gaza Strip from its center and south, in addition to the shelling of the Israeli forces penetrating south of the Zaytoun neighborhood with mortar shells.

In recent days, the resistance factions have intensified their bombardment with mortar shells and short-range missiles on the occupation forces present in the Netzarim axis, from which the resistance is demanding withdrawal within the framework of the ceasefire and prisoner exchange agreement.

The resistance factions in Gaza have been documenting their operations against the occupation army forces and vehicles on various fronts of fighting since the start of the Israeli ground operation on October 27, and many details about the operations carried out against the occupation forces appeared in the video clips.

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