Watch.. A young Jerusalemite man punches occupation soldiers in the village of Jabal Mukaber | Mix

A video clip that spread on social media today, Wednesday, January 3, 2024, documented the courage of a young Palestinian who clashed with members of the Israeli occupation police, pounced on them, and beat them while they were assaulting residents in the Qanabra neighborhood in the village of Jabal Mukaber in occupied Jerusalem.

The clip published by the Palestine TV page on the Instagram platform showed the young man directing punches at two Israeli occupation soldiers in one of the narrow streets located in the Qanabra neighborhood in the Jerusalem village, before about four soldiers gathered around him, threw him to the ground, and beat him extensively with their weapons and legs.

The occupation forces stormed the Qanabra neighborhood on Wednesday morning and clashed with the residents with beatings, sticks, and tear gas bombs. They surrounded the house of the Shuqairat family in the town of Jabal Mukaber after attacking its owners.

In May 2023, a similar scene occurred, as a video clip on social media showed a young Palestinian man bravely confronting occupation soldiers during an attempt to arrest him in Jerusalem.

In June 2022, a video clip showed young men confronting settlers and occupation soldiers after they set fire to trees in the town of Tarqumiya, west of the Hebron Governorate, in the south of the West Bank.

The clip documented the moment when an unarmed Palestinian youth directed several punches at soldiers of the occupation forces before suppressing them with gas bombs and pepper gas and beating them.

Jabal Mukaber…a village resisting the occupation

Returning to the village of Jabal Mukaber, which witnessed today’s incident; It is a Palestinian village in occupied Jerusalem. It was named after a famous incident in Islamic history, according to which the second Rightly Guided Caliph Omar bin Al-Khattab – may God be pleased with him – said the takbir on the hill of the village after the Islamic conquest of Jerusalem in 673 AD. That was when he came to Al-Quds Al-Sharif to receive its keys from Patriarch Sophronius.

It was also called Al-Hadidiya Mountain because it is located to the east of the railway, and also Al-Thawri Mountain because of the presence of the shrine of the Islamic Mujahid “Abu Thawr” near it. Abu Thawr is one of those who struggled with Saladin al-Ayyubi in liberating Jerusalem. He was named Abu Thawr because he was riding a bull when Jerusalem was conquered.

The village of Jabal Mukaber was illegally occupied and annexed in 1967, and the division of lands in that area led to a significant shortage of housing units, which forced young families to migrate from the area.

The village of Jabal Mukaber is located on top of a hill to the southeast of the occupied city of Jerusalem. It is bordered to the east by the villages of Abu Dis and Al-Sawahra Al-Sharqiya, to the north is Silwan and the Old City, to the west is Al-Thawri and Sur Baher, and to the south is Sheikh Saad and Sur Baher.

The area of ​​the village is about 4,000 dunams, and its population is 37,000 people. It consists of a number of clans, including the Jaabara, Sarawakha, Al-Bashir, Aweisat, Shuqairat, Mashhara, Obaidat, Jaabis, and Zaatari.

The village suffers from neglect and marginalization, but it is known for its resistance to the Israeli occupation, as its residents carried out several attacks, including trampling operations against the Israeli occupation and its soldiers.

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