Washington announces new sanctions against Russia

The United States will sanction more than 500 entities linked to Russia and its “war machine”, according to a spokesperson for the US Department of the Treasury.


It was during a campaign trip to California that Joe Biden met part of Alexeï Navalny’s family: his widow Yulia and his daughter Dasha, a student in San Francisco. The White House released some photos from this interview, which was held away from journalists.

A few hours later, the United States announced a series of sanctions against Russia.

Some of these sanctions will target people directly involved in Navalny’s death. The vast majority of them, however, are designed to target Putin’s “war machine” and fill loopholes in the sanctions he has managed to circumvent.” said Victoria Nuland, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs.

Vladimir Putin has not yet reacted after the announcement of these sanctions. The Russian president has also not spoken publicly about the death of Alexeï Navalny, even though the West holds him responsible.

With these sanctions, which will target more than 500 Russian entities, Washington hopes to weaken Moscow and its army, while waiting for the release of aid to Ukraine. The countries of the European Union also agreed on Wednesday on new sanctions against Russia.

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