Video. No Comment: wave of violence in Portugal after the death of a man shot dead by the police


Two Carris Metropolitana buses were set on fire during protests in Oeiras and Amadora, after the death of Odair Moniz, a 43-year-old man, killed by a police officer in Cova da Moura. The protests, sparked by outrage over this deaths, led to roadblocks, container fires and throwing objects. Three people were arrested for arson and assault on police officers. An investigation was opened. , and the police officer involved is accused.

Two Carris Metropolitana buses were set on fire during protests in Oeiras and Amadora, following the death of Odair Moniz, a 43-year-old man, killed by a police officer in Cova da Moura. The protests, sparked by outrage over the death, led to roadblocks, container fires and the throwing of objects. Three people were arrested for arson and assault on police officers. A gas station was also targeted, without damage. An investigation was opened, and the police officer involved is charged.

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