Video. NO COMMENT: Vietnam commemorates 70 years of the Battle of Dien Bien Phu

A ceremony under the sign of reconciliation. For the first time, France was invited, Tuesday May 7, to the commemorations of the Battle of Diên Bien Phu in Vietnam, the 70th anniversary of which is celebrated this year.

A ceremony under the sign of reconciliation. For the first time, France was invited, Tuesday May 7, to the commemorations of the Battle of Diên Bien Phu in Vietnam, the 70th anniversary of which is celebrated this year.

For nearly two hours, nearly 12,000 people attended the protocol, in a stadium where giant banners exalted the triumph of May 7, 1954 which led to the country’s independence.

This impressive event takes place every two years to celebrate the fall of French military positions during the Indochina War, putting an end to 56 days of deluges of shells and hand-to-hand clashes, which left 13,000 dead or missing, including 10,000 on the Vietnamese side.

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