Video. No Comment: pianist Tom Yun reveals Chopin’s unpublished waltz


Discovered in New York in a collection acquired by the Morgan Library & Museum in 2019, this Chopin waltz immediately aroused the enthusiasm of all lovers of romantic music.

Discovered in New York in a collection acquired by the Morgan Library & Museum in 2019, this Chopin waltz immediately aroused the enthusiasm of all lovers of romantic music.

Tom Yun, a prodigy pianist born in 2001 with multiple awards, delivers his interpretation of the work.

It was last May that Robinson McClellan, curator of the Morgan Library, discovered the manuscript while examining archived collections. Experts are now engaged in a heated debate over its authenticity, wondering whether it is an original piece by Chopin or a simple reproduction of his musical style.

Despite remaining doubts, the rediscovery of this work, unpublished for almost a century, offers a new gateway to the immensity of Chopin’s talent.

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