Video. No Comment: Oil spill in Singapore after the collision between a dredge and a bunkering ship


Fine sand beaches on the island of Sentosa, south of Singapore, known for its casino, its Universal Studio amusement park and its luxury hotels, were closed to the public this Saturday due to a major oil spill. A Dutch-flagged dredger collided with a Singaporean ship this Friday at the Pasir Panjang terminal. A thick layer of oil quickly formed, reaching several beaches popular with tourists and locals, located less than 10 km away, including those on Sentosa Island.

Fine sand beaches on the island of Sentosa, south of Singapore, known for its casino, its Universal Studio amusement park and its luxury hotels, were closed to the public this Saturday due to a major oil spill. A Dutch-flagged dredger collided with a Singaporean ship this Friday at the Pasir Panjang terminal. A thick layer of oil quickly formed, reaching several beaches popular with tourists and locals, located less than 10 km away, including those on Sentosa Island.

Singapore authorities have stated that “the affected tank had been isolated and the spill controlled”.

Photos released by Marine Stewards, a conservation organization, showed the first disastrous impacts of the oil spill on local wildlife. This is the case of a kingfisher “covered in oil”. Singapore authorities have stated that “the affected tank (of the boat) had been isolated and the spill controlled”.

“Sixteen oil spill response boats have been deployed to continue spraying oil dispersants and collecting oil slicks from the water surface”, said the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore in a press release this Saturday. Three Sentosa beaches will remain closed to the public this Saturday for cleaning and sea activities remain prohibited for the time being.

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