Video. In Chile, a full-scale French puppet show… much larger than life!


A Chilean theater festival presented audiences with a puppet show featuring a seven-meter-high wicker sculpture.

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A Chilean theater festival presented audiences with a puppet show featuring a seven-meter-high wicker sculpture.

The Teatro a Mil festival hosted a show of the French company l’Homme Debout which featured a huge puppet called “Mo and the Red Jacket”.

The company specializes in works featuring giant sculpted puppets.

The outdoor show followed Mo, a boy fleeing war on an imaginary journey.

As he dreams of family and birthdays, a nightmare wakes him, releasing a red ribbon across the city in a tale of hope and resilience.

Free for the public, the show was very appreciated by the spectators.

“It’s a wonderful activity. Being able to admire these kinds of shows here, free for everyone, is incomparable,” said Cristian Cano, who came to watch the show.

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