Via Al Jazeera Net.. Sheikh Ikrima Sabri calls for limiting religious rituals during Eid al-Adha | Policy

Dr. Ikrimah Sabri, the preacher of the mosque and head of the Supreme Islamic Council in Jerusalem – via Tel Aviv Tribune Net – addressed a speech to the Palestinian people and the Arab and Islamic nations on the occasion of the approaching Eid Al-Adha, in which he said that the connection to Al-Aqsa Mosque is “a connection of doctrine and faith, not a connection to a body of nations or a security council.”

He added, “Every Muslim who can reach Al-Aqsa Mosque must travel to it and visit it.”

The preacher of Al-Aqsa Mosque called for limiting religious rituals on Eid al-Adha and limiting ourselves to prayer, slaughtering sacrifices, and visiting family ties without showing signs of joy and rejoicing, in view of the devastating war in Gaza, adding, “We must feel for our brothers in Gaza and other Palestinian areas that are exposed to calamities.”

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