United States: Senate validates $60 billion in aid to Ukraine

The American Senate on Tuesday adopted a package of 60 billion dollars allocated to Ukraine as well as funds intended for Israel and Taiwan, a text that the Speaker of the House of Representatives already rejects.


President Joe Biden on Tuesday made an urgent appeal to House Republicans to support a bill to send $60 billion to Ukraine as part of its war with Russia. He warned that opposing it would play into Putin’s hands.

Supporting this bill means standing up to Putin. Opposing it is playing into Putin’s hands“, Joe Biden said, “History is watching us“, he added.

Biden’s comments came after the Senate passed a $95.3 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan early Tuesday, after months difficult negotiations and growing political divisions within the Republican Party over the role of the United States abroad.

Mr. Biden also criticized former President Donald Trump, a candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, who said in a campaign speech on Saturday that he had warned he would do what that he wants NATO member countries that “do not devote“2% of their gross domestic product goes to defense.

When America gives its word, it means something.” Mr. Biden said. “Donald Trump considers this a burden.”

The Senate vote came after a small group of Republicans opposed to the $60 billion for Ukraine kept the Senate in suspense all night, using the final hours of the debate to argue that the United States should focus on their own problems before sending more money abroad. But 22 Republicans voted with almost all Democrats to pass the package by a vote of 70 to 29, with supporters arguing that abandoning Ukraine could embolden Russian President Vladimir Putin.

With this bill, the Senate declares that America’s leadership will not falter, it will not falter, it will not fail” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who worked closely with Republican Party Leader Mitch McConnell on the bill.

Mike Johnson rejects the vote for this aid

However, the future of the package is highly uncertain in the House of Representatives, where hardline Republicans aligned with former President Donald Trump – the contender for the GOP presidential nomination and a critic of support for the Ukraine – oppose the legislation.

House Speaker Mike Johnson spoke on the package Monday evening, saying it could be weeks or months before Congress sends the legislation to President Joe Biden’s desk – if at all he sends it.

Mr. Biden, for his part, asked Mr. Johnson to let the issue come to a vote.” You have to move forward”Mr. Biden said. “We cannot shirk now. This is what Putin is banking on“. In an earlier statement, Mr. Biden urged the House of Representatives to act urgently: “We cannot afford to wait any longer. The cost of inaction increases every day, especially in Ukraine.”

“We are already seeing reports that Ukrainian troops are running low on ammunition on the front lines as Russian forces continue to attack and Putin continues to dream of subjugating the Ukrainian people,” the president said.

Mr. Schumer said the strong bipartisan support should motivate Mr. Johnson to move the bill forward. In recent months, Mr. McConnell has made Ukraine his top priority and stood resolute in the face of resistance from his own GOP conference.

Speaking directly to his critics, the longtime Republican leader said in a statement: “History settles all accounts. And today, on the value of American leadership and strengthhistory will record that the Senate did not bat an eyelid.”

Funds allocated by the legislation would buy U.S.-made defense equipment, including munitions and air defense systems, which officials say are desperately needed as Russia bombs the country.

The aid also includes $8 billion for the Kyiv government and other assistance. “For us in Ukraine, continued American aid saves human lives from Russian terrorism“, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on social media. “This means that life will continue in our cities and triumph over war.” he added.

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