Two Palestinians were injured in new incursions by the occupation forces into the West Bank News


Today, Thursday, the Israeli occupation forces launched a raid campaign targeting several cities in the West Bank, imposed a siege on some areas and clashed with Palestinian resistance fighters, resulting in injuries.

Palestinian medical sources reported that 7 Palestinian youth were injured by occupation bullets in Al-Amari camp in Ramallah governorate. Tel Aviv Tribune’s correspondent indicated that the occupation forces interrogated hundreds of camp residents, imposed a siege on the site from all directions, raided several neighborhoods and clashed with Palestinian resistance fighters, before withdrawing at a later time.

The occupation forces also stormed the town of Bani Naim, east of Hebron, and sent in military reinforcements while their sniper soldiers mounted the roofs of buildings in the center of the town. Confrontations broke out between these forces and Palestinian youths, during which a young man was injured by live bullets in the foot and subsequently taken to the hospital.

Coinciding with the storming, a march took place through the streets of the town to denounce what the occupation forces were doing. The storming of Bani Naim is the second after the raid carried out by Israel at dawn yesterday, during which it raided the homes of the perpetrators of the Raanana operation north of Tel Aviv, which resulted in the death of an Israeli woman and the injury of 18 others, and the arrest of the two perpetrators of the operation, who belong to the Zaydat family in Bani Naim.

On the other hand, Tel Aviv Tribune’s correspondent said that the series of raids included the Al-Arroub camp in the south of the occupied West Bank, and the city of Qalqilya in the north.

The city of Nablus in the northern West Bank witnessed incursions from its eastern and western axes, and the occupation forces conducted their patrols in the city.

The occupation forces stormed Zuata (west of Nablus) and raided several neighborhoods in the town, which led to the outbreak of armed clashes between resistance fighters and the invading forces, which included throwing flares into the sky of the town, and throwing homemade explosive devices at Israeli vehicles that fired live bullets, sound bombs, and gas.

In a related context, Tel Aviv Tribune’s correspondent said that Nour Shams camp in the city of Tulkarm witnessed clashes and explosions after it was stormed by the Israeli occupation forces.

Assassinations and security warnings

Yesterday, 5 Palestinians were martyred in an Israeli drone strike on a car in the Tulkarm camp in the northern West Bank. While the Palestinian Red Crescent confirmed that two of its crew members were injured as a result of the occupation army targeting an ambulance in the camp.

In Nablus, the Israeli army assassinated 5 Palestinians with a drone attack on their car. Palestinian medical sources said that the occupation forces detained the bodies of a number of martyrs who were inside the targeted car near the Balata camp, east of Nablus, and that the charred remains of one martyr arrived at Rafidia Hospital in Nablus, after Israel prevented ambulance crews from approaching the targeted car.

While the Israeli army continues its raids and escalation operations in the occupied West Bank, the Israeli newspaper “Haaretz” quoted security officials as saying that the situation there is “on the verge of explosion.”

Since the Palestinian resistance launched the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle and the start of the Israeli aggression on Gaza, the occupation has intensified its military operations in the West Bank, and increased the pace of incursions and raids into Palestinian cities, towns and camps, leaving more than 365 martyrs and about 4,200 wounded, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

The ongoing Israeli war on the Gaza Strip for more than 100 days has left more than 24,000 martyrs and 61,000 injured, and caused the displacement of more than 85% of the Strip’s population (about 1.9 million people), in addition to massive destruction of infrastructure, vital facilities, and hospitals.

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