Two martyrs and attacks on farmers in the occupation’s incursions into towns in the West Bank News

Two Palestinians in the West Bank were martyred by occupation bullets – one in Tulkarm, northwest of the West Bank, and the other in Al-Far’a camp, south of Tubas, in the north of the West Bank – on a night that witnessed incursions into various towns and cities of the West Bank and attacks by settlers on farmers and their property.

A Palestinian was shot dead by Israeli occupation forces in Al-Faraa camp, south of Tubas, by Israeli special forces who stormed a house inside the camp.

The Palestinian Red Crescent also said that its crews were dealing with 4 shrapnel injuries resulting from an explosion in the camp after the occupation forces stormed it.

The occupation forces stormed Al-Far’a camp, reinforced with military vehicles and bulldozers, and eyewitnesses told Tel Aviv Tribune’s correspondent that violent clashes took place in the camp and the city between Palestinian resistance fighters and the occupation forces before they withdrew.

The reporter said that Palestinian resistance fighters targeted Israeli occupation vehicles with homemade devices in Tubas, while Palestinian platforms documented what they said was the moment an Israeli military bulldozer was detonated with an explosive device there.

Earlier, at dawn on Monday, a Palestinian was killed by bullets from the occupation forces in the city of Tulkarm, and the Palestinian Information Center said that the young man, Youssef Abdel Dayem, was killed by bullets from the occupation forces at the entrance to the city’s camp.

In the town of Burqa, northwest of Nablus, in the northern West Bank, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society said that its ambulance crews transported to the hospital yesterday evening, Sunday, two injured young men (23 and 21 years old) as a result of their fall from a height during confrontations between residents and the Israeli army.

The Red Crescent Society also said that its ambulance crew transported to the National Hospital in the city of Hebron a child (16 years old) wounded by live bullets in the back from the town of Beit Ummar, north of the city, after the occupation forces stormed the Safa area, north of Beit Ummar, where confrontations broke out with residents who… They were exposed to bullets and gas bombs, which resulted in the child being seriously injured.

Activist Muhammad Ayyad Awad told Anadolu Agency that the injured person is Wissam Acer Faiq Qawqas Ikhlil, and he was hit by a bullet that settled next to the spine (…) and is undergoing surgery.

Night raids

In the past few hours, the occupation forces renewed their raids on several towns in Tubas, Jenin, Hebron, Nablus, and Bethlehem in the West Bank, where they stormed the Dheisha camp in Bethlehem, the town of Tarqumiya, west of Hebron, the city of Yatta, south of it, and the town of Arraba, west of Jenin. A foot force from the occupation army also stormed the Al-Razzaza area in the city of Qalqilya. .

In the city of Yatta, south of Hebron, the occupation forces arrested the wife and father of the prisoner, Muhammad Mughanim, after storming the city with great force. The occupation forces conducted their patrols in the city, raided several neighborhoods there, and searched a number of homes.

The occupation forces arrested the prisoner Mughanim two weeks ago, before returning to storm his house and arrest his wife and father.

In Nablus, the Palestinian Red Crescent said that the occupation forces were detaining two ambulances that were transporting injured people from the town of Urif, southwest of the city, after the town was attacked by settlers accompanied by the occupation forces.

The occupation forces withdrew later today from the town of Arraba, west of Jenin, after storming it with military vehicles and attacking Palestinians.

Settler attacks

Israeli settlers also continued their attacks on Palestinians and their property in the West Bank. In Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron, settlers attacked farmers in the village of Susiya, forced them to leave their lands and beat them. They also burned about 200 olive trees in the Ain al-Bayda area.

The settlers continue their attacks on the residents of the village of Susiya, where they opened fire and threw stones at their homes several times, removed the fence surrounding the village, destroyed their vehicles, and prevented them from grazing their sheep.

The Palestinian News Agency also said that settlers from the Homesh settlement stormed yesterday evening, Sunday, the outskirts of the town of Burqa, northwest of Nablus, and attacked the house of citizen Raed Yassin Hajjah with Molotov cocktails, which led to parts of it burning, before the townspeople were able to put out the fire.

According to the agency, settlers, under the protection of the Israeli occupation forces, threw burning tires towards citizens’ homes in the Al-Manshara and Al-Hawuz areas, north of Burqa, which led to the burning of agricultural lands.

In Mount Baniyas, east of the town of Nahalin, west of Bethlehem, settlers stormed Palestinian lands, chased farmers on the roads leading to their lands, and blocked them with stones.

Earlier, settlers stole agricultural equipment from farmers in Mount Baniyas, according to what a farmer reported.

The farmer added that the occupation forces are attacking farmers and preventing them from accessing their lands, in a scene that has been repeated many times since last October 7.

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