Two Israelis killed, third injured in attack on police car west of Hebron | News


The Israeli ambulance service reported that two policemen and border guards were killed and a third was injured this morning, Sunday, in an armed attack at the Tarqumiya checkpoint, west of Hebron in the southern West Bank.

The Israeli army said that the car used in the attack was found empty after the perpetrators were able to withdraw.

The Israeli army added that it had sent reinforcements to the area where the operation took place.

He added that his forces are conducting search and pursuit operations for the perpetrators of the armed attack.

For its part, Al-Aqsa TV said that large numbers of occupation forces stormed the town of Idhna, northwest of Hebron, after the shooting operation and the withdrawal of the perpetrators.

The operation comes two days after the double operation that took place around two settlements north of Hebron, which resulted in the injury of two Israelis, including the commander of the Etzion Brigade.

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