Truce in the Gaza Strip: thousands of Gazans try to return home

Thousands of Gazans refugees are taking advantage of the truce to return home. Israel has authorized the daily delivery of 130,000 liters of fuel to the enclave.


While the truce has just begun in the Gaza Strip, thousands of refugees have returned to their homes in the Khan Yunis region, south of the enclave… According to the UN, more than half of the buildings were destroyed by the bombings. Many residents are unsure if they will still have a roof over their heads when they return.

“It’s difficult to express in words what we feel or what we see. The scenes are horrible. If we had been hit by a tsunami, it wouldn’t have been so bad.” comments Umm Ibrahim Asfour, refugee.

Hundreds of people were also seen heading north and into Gaza, despite IDF warnings.

Hamas, for its part, announced that it was refusing Red Cross visits to hostages still held in the Palestinian enclave.

“I hope that all the hostages will finally be released and that all the families will be able to hug their loved ones. I think that is the only way to say that we are out of this situation, this terrible situation.” says Dr. Tali Gazit, associate professor at the university.

The truce is a relief for the 2.3 million Gazans, exposed for weeks to Israeli bombings. It must allow the delivery of food, water and medicine.

Israel also authorized the daily delivery of 130,000 liters of fuel. A paltry quantity compared to the needs of Gazouis, estimated at more than a million liters per day.

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