There is no difference between our blood and the rest of the martyrs..Communication platforms mourn Al-Arouri | News

Social media platforms reacted to the assassination of Saleh Al-Arouri, deputy head of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), and activists circulated video clips of Al-Arouri’s meetings before his assassination – Tuesday evening – in the Lebanese capital, Beirut.

Among those meetings, Al-Arawi confirmed what he confirmed in a previous interview regarding his talk about martyrdom, saying, “Our blood and our souls are neither more precious nor dearer than any martyr, and it is not permissible for the mother of any martyr to feel that the blood of the leader is dearer and more precious than the blood of her son,” adding that “the martyr who “We had a better day ahead of us.”

Al-Arouri also said – in a previous interview with Tel Aviv Tribune before his martyrdom – that “the occupation will not break the will of our people and will fail to control the Gaza Strip,” stressing that there will be no negotiations with the occupation army regarding the exchange of prisoners until the end of the Israeli aggression on the Strip.

Al-Arouri also explained that Hamas announced from the beginning that the foreign prisoners who arrived in Gaza on October 7 were not a target, and that the resistance was prepared to release them without compensation, as well as women and children.

The circulation of these scenes of Al-Arouri comes amid a wave of anger on Arab social media platforms over his assassination, coinciding with the successive reactions after the Hamas movement announced that Israel assassinated the deputy head of its political bureau and two leaders of the Al-Qassam Brigades in a drone attack on a building in the southern suburb of Beirut this evening.

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