Theatre: Putin on stage and in front of his judges

A cathartic play by Ukrainian playwright Sacha Denisova: Putin before the International Criminal Court. The satire is sold out in Sofia, Bulgaria.


Ukrainian playwright Sasha Denisova is the author of this play in which Putin is tried by the International Criminal Court.

In Sofia, Bulgaria, the theater is full.

Radena Valkanova plays the Russian president on stage.

Radena Valkanova, actress playing Vladimir Putin: “When the director Galin asked me to play, I didn’t know that Putin would be played by a woman. “But what do you mean?” I said. I thought to myself that that It would be a little difficult to play a man, I also wondered what interest it might bring. And then I understood the idea and that was how the play had been thought of.”

The piece is called The Hague, the name of the city where the International Criminal Court sits.

Yulian Vergov plays the role of mercenary Yevgeny Prigozhin.

Yulian Vergov, actor playing Yevgeny Prigozhin: “During rehearsals, first we had a script ready, then the so-called ‘putsch’, the march on Moscow or whatever they called it happened, and the The next day I asked Galin (Stoev): “What are we doing? It’s heating up.” We introduced some new lines, he spoke with Sasha Denisova, we introduced some lines about the putsch.”

The authors of the Bulgarian adaptation of the play say they hope to “open the eyes” of the public in a country where 30% are favorable to Vladimir Putin.

Radena Valkanova, actress playing Vladimir Putin: “The play is being received as we expected, with very polarized opinions, but that’s the goal of this type of theater, I think.”

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