The American Supreme Court rejected on Monday, on the eve of Super Tuesday, the attempts of several American states which had prohibited the former president from running again following the attack on the Capitol in January 2021.
It was expected. It is now confirmed. The United States Supreme Court on Monday restored Donald Trump’s rights to run in the Republican primaries. The senior American magistrates thus rejected the attempts of several states which held the former Republican president responsible for the Capitol riot in January 2021.
The judges ruled that the states (Maine, Colorado, Illinois…) could not invoke a post-Civil War constitutional provision to prevent a presidential candidate from appearing on the ballot. This power belongs to Congressthe court wrote in an unsigned opinion.
The result puts an end to efforts by Democratic judges, in particular, to exclude Donald Trump from the ballot because of his behavior and his attempts to overturn his defeat in the 2020 elections against Joe Biden.
Note that lawyers for Republican and independent voters, who also filed a lawsuit to remove D. Trump’s name from the Colorado ballot, had argued thatthere is ample evidence that the events of January 6 constituted an insurrection and that it had been incited by the ex-president.
The last time the American Supreme Court interfered in a presidential election was more than 23 years ago: it was a question of deciding between the two candidates. GW Bush and Al Gore. The High Magistrates had ruled in favor of the first.