Flight 8243 of Azerbaijan Airlines was allegedly shot on December 25 by a missile from a pantsir-S1 system imported from Syria in Russia, killing 38.
Flight 8243 of Azerbaijan Airlines was shot down by a missile fired from an air defense system Pantsir-S1 which was imported from Syria in Russia, according to Russian sources close to the investigation cited by the Azerbaijani media Anewz.
Electronic war systems were deployed against the Azerbaijani plane on December 25 while approaching to land in Grozny, which led to serious dysfunctions in its control systems before it crashes near Aktaou airport in Kazakhstan, also says Anewz based on its sources.
According to Anewz, Russian investigators identified the individual who launched the missile and the responsible officer who gave the order.
Diplomatic sources in Azerbaijan told Anewz that Baku refused that the case be “Smuffed” And remains determined to ask Russia to account.
This implies bringing the case to international courts if Moscow refuses to assume the responsibility of the tragedy in which 38 passengers died and 29 survived injuries.