The resistance confronts the occupation of Ramallah, Tubas and Hebron News

On Thursday evening, the Israeli occupation forces carried out new arrests and raids in areas of the West Bank, where they were confronted by resistance elements in Tubas, Ramallah, and Hebron.

The Palestinian Red Crescent reported that 3 Palestinians were injured by Israeli occupation bullets during confrontations that broke out with Palestinian youth after Israeli forces stormed the city of Halhul, north of Hebron in the West Bank, for the second time during the night.

Following the storming, violent confrontations broke out during which the occupation forces fired bullets and tear gas at the residents.

The occupation forces stormed the town of Surif, north of Hebron, before withdrawing from it.

In the same context, a young Palestinian man was injured by Israeli occupation forces’ bullets during their storming of the city of Tubas in the northern West Bank.

Tel Aviv Tribune’s correspondent reported that armed clashes were taking place between resistance fighters and the forces storming the city, during which young men threw homemade explosive devices at soldiers and vehicles of the occupation forces.

Occupation army forces, accompanied by a bulldozer, stormed the city and deployed in several neighborhoods there. They also raided a number of citizens’ homes under the pretext of searching for wanted persons.

On the other hand, 5 Palestinians were injured by occupation forces’ bullets during their storming of several neighborhoods in the city of Ramallah.

Confrontations broke out between dozens of Palestinians and the occupation forces, who fired live bullets and tear gas bombs in the Ain Misbah neighborhood.

The occupation forces were stationed at the Ramallah Recreation Complex, adjacent to Al-Quds Open University in the neighborhood, where they carried out searches and combing operations in the area before withdrawing.

Raids and arrests

Tel Aviv Tribune’s correspondent reported that large forces from the Israeli occupation army stormed the city of Qalqilya in the northern West Bank tonight. It surrounded the Kafr Saba neighborhood, west of the city, and deployed sniper teams.

Meanwhile, a drone flew over the city’s sky and patrolled several neighborhoods and raided homes, arresting a number of young Palestinians.

Also, Israeli foot forces stormed the town of Tal, southwest of Nablus, yesterday.

Three young men were injured by Israeli occupation forces’ bullets during clashes between young men and occupation soldiers in the village of Husan, west of Bethlehem in the West Bank, after the funeral of the martyr Mahmoud Zaoul, who was martyred on Wednesday during clashes in the village.

Since October 7, more than 300 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank by Israeli occupation soldiers.

The occupation carries out daily killing, arrest, and demolition campaigns in various cities in the West Bank, coinciding with the continuation of its aggression against Gaza, which has so far led to the martyrdom of 20,000 Palestinians, most of whom are women and children.

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