The remains of Greek temples discovered south of Naples

The remains of Doric temples from the 5th century BC were revealed to the public. They were located in Paestum south of Naples.


In Italy, at the ancient Greek site of Paestum, south of Naples, two new Doric temples have been discovered.

In the western area of ​​the ancient city of Poseidonia-Paestum, near the walls and a few hundred meters from the sea, a campaign of stratigraphic excavations revealed two Doric Greek temples.

The first, dating from the first decades of the 5th century BCE, represents an absolute singularity in the architecture of Doric temples of Greek origin.

In the temple structure, 14 fragmentary Doric capitals of dimensions similar to those of the temple were reused.

The typology is, however, different and comparable to the capitals of the “Basilica”, the oldest of the three great temples of Paestum.

The three temples of Paestum, were built between 550 and 450 BC by the colonists of Magna Graecia, are in an excellent state of conservation and attract thousands of visitors each year.

Paestum is located in the southeast of Italy, in the province of Salerno, and 92 kilometers south of Naples.

It was founded by Greeks from Sybaris under the name Poseidonia, probably at the end of the 7th century BCE, with the participation of the Dorians of Trecen.

According to the historian Strabo, it was initially founded on the coast and later moved slightly inland, but today its ruins lie only 1 kilometer from the coast.

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