The Paris-Berlin night train makes its return

For the moment, three connections per week are planned in each direction between the two capitals. The service should become daily from October 2024.


Paris-Berlin by night train and without change, it’s possible again! Canceled in 2014, the connection between the French and German capitals resumed this week, with a first departure from Berlin Central Station on Monday evening and an arrival the next morning at Paris Gare de l’Est.

The German and French Transport Ministers as well as the directors of Deutsche Bahn and SNCF attended the inauguration.

“We are going to have a day train which will arrive in a few months. I am fighting so that it also passes through Strasbourg as quickly as possible. We will get it. A human link between France and Germany and a European project necessarily goes through Strabourg”repeated Transport Minister Clément Beaune just before boarding the train for Paris.

From next fall, this connection should become daily… and feasible by TGV. The trains will connect the two capitals in seven hours, passing first through Saarbrücken then through Strasbourg by 2025-2026.

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