The Palestinian forces call for rejecting the occupation’s efforts to “replace” the Rafah crossing News

Today, Tuesday, the “Follow-up Committee for National and Islamic Forces” called on Egypt and all countries and international organizations to reject what it described as the “plan” of the Israeli occupation authorities to “replace” the Rafah border crossing with the Kerem Shalom crossing, and not to contribute to alleviating the blow of international criticism of the closure of the Gaza crossings.

The committee said, in a statement, “We have followed the frequent reports that parties are coordinating with the occupation to facilitate the travel of some patients and those holding foreign nationalities through the Kerem Shalom crossing, and what is known as the David Corridor, which the occupation established along the Philadelphia axis.”

She added, “This is a dangerous development that reveals the intentions of the occupation and plans to replace the Rafah crossing and voluntarily displace Palestinians.”

The committee called on Egypt “to reject this plan, which affects Egyptian sovereignty and national security, and to use all the national strengths that Cairo possesses, with its stature and history, to thwart this plan.”

It also called on countries and international organizations “not to contribute to passing the occupation plans under humanitarian labels, and not to reduce international criticism of the occupation for closing the Gaza crossings, especially the Rafah land crossing.”

The committee confirmed that the Rafah land crossing is “a purely Palestinian-Egyptian crossing and will remain so,” noting that its Palestinian management is subject to Palestinian consensus only, and “we will not accept the imposition of the agendas of the occupation and the world on us in this regard,” as it put it.

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