The occupation intensifies its incursions into the West Bank and violent clashes with resistance fighters News

Palestinians were shot and others were arrested – today, Saturday – during new incursions carried out by the Israeli occupation army in the occupied West Bank, which included violent clashes with resistance fighters.

The Palestinian Red Crescent said that 6 Palestinians were injured by Israeli occupation forces’ bullets, one of whom was described as seriously injured, during confrontations that broke out in the towns of Bala’a and Anabta, east of Tulkarm in the northern West Bank.

The Red Crescent added that most of the injuries in the two towns were caused by live bullets.

For its part, local sources reported that the occupation forces stormed the neighborhoods, deployed there to arrest those they called wanted, and were stationed in the center of the town of Balaa, where confrontations broke out with Palestinians as they confronted the intrusion. The Israeli soldiers destroyed and burned a commercial store and fired sound bombs before they withdrew from the area.

Tel Aviv Tribune’s correspondent also reported that Israeli forces stormed the Shweika suburb of Tulkarm from the western gate at the separation wall.

Also in the northern West Bank, the Israeli army stormed the city of Qalqilya for the second time at dawn today, and raided several neighborhoods in the city.

Violent clashes

Not far from Qalqilya, the occupation forces raided the Old City and its surroundings in the city of Nablus, and an Tel Aviv Tribune correspondent reported that violent clashes broke out between the occupation forces and Palestinian resistance fighters who tried to confront the raid.

The forces withdrew from the city after destroying the printing press of a university professor who had been detained for two months in the occupation prisons.

Less than half an hour after it withdrew, it returned, stormed the city, and headed towards the Old City.

In Jenin, an Tel Aviv Tribune correspondent reported that Palestinian resistance fighters opened fire on the Al-Jalama military checkpoint north of the city, which is also located in the north of the West Bank.

The raids also included the towns of Qatana and Al-Qubaiba, northwest of occupied Jerusalem. The occupation forces arrested a number of young men, and armed confrontations broke out with Palestinian resistance fighters. These forces are still besieging several neighborhoods under the pretext of searching for wanted persons.

Targeting an ambulance

In Hebron, in the south of the West Bank, Israeli incursions targeted the town of Bani Naim, where Israeli soldiers raided and searched homes.

The occupation forces stormed the city of Dura and the Al-Samoud Hill area in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron, and opened fire on an ambulance belonging to the Popular Committee for Services of the Arroub Camp, north of the city.

The new Israeli incursions come as part of an ongoing escalation in the West Bank since the resistance launched the Al-Aqsa Flood Battle on October 7th.

It is noteworthy that 326 Palestinians were martyred by bullets from the Israeli army and settlers, including 7 martyrs, since the beginning of the current year 2024.

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