The occupation expands its incursion into Jenin and launches arrest campaigns in Jerusalem and Hebron News

Today, Wednesday, the Israeli occupation army expanded its military operation in the city of Jenin and its camp in the northern occupied West Bank, and also launched arrest campaigns in occupied Jerusalem and Hebron.

Tel Aviv Tribune’s correspondent reported that the occupation army sent additional reinforcements to Jenin, at a time when clashes were taking place between Palestinian resistance fighters and the occupation forces.

Eyewitnesses told Anadolu that the occupation forces stormed several neighborhoods in Jenin and raided citizens’ homes. Military bulldozers also destroyed streets and infrastructure in Jenin camp.

The occupation forces blew up a number of homes during their operations that continued for more than 27 hours, during which 8 Palestinians were martyred – including children – and 23 were injured, and the wounds of 3 of them were described as serious.

The occupation army imposed a security cordon on the Jenin camp and imposed strict measures on citizens who tried to leave the camp, and on ambulances that tried to reach the injured.

Tel Aviv Tribune’s correspondent reported, quoting local Palestinian sources, that resistance fighters were targeting the Israeli occupation forces penetrating the city of Jenin and its camp with explosive devices.

For its part, the United Nations Human Rights Office expressed its horror after the killing of Palestinians, including two children, in the operation carried out by Israeli forces in Jenin.

The office added, in a tweet on the X website, that “the senseless bloodshed must stop and those responsible must be held accountable.”

Arrests in the West Bank

In occupied Jerusalem, occupation army forces stormed Shuafat Camp and conducted their patrols in several neighborhoods of the camp. They also raided several homes, searched them, tampered with their contents, and interrogated their owners after detaining them during the raid.

In Hebron, the Israeli occupation forces arrested 3 brothers after raiding and searching their homes in the Sahel area in the city of Yatta.

The occupation forces continue their continuous raids into the areas east of Yatta and Al-Musafer, south of it, and prevent farmers from reaching their lands and grazing their sheep.

The number of detainees in the occupied West Bank rose on Wednesday to 8,825 since October 7, according to a joint statement by the Prisoners’ Affairs Authority and the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club.

The statement added that between Tuesday and Wednesday, the occupation forces arrested at least 12 Palestinians from the West Bank, including two former female prisoners and two former prisoners, stressing that the arrests were distributed across the governorates of Bethlehem, Hebron, Nablus, and Jerusalem.

He pointed out that there were widespread raids and abuse, severe beatings, threats against detainees and their families, and sabotage and destruction of citizens’ homes.

In parallel with the devastating war on Gaza, the West Bank is witnessing security tensions as a result of continued settler attacks and Israeli incursions into Palestinian cities, towns and camps, which led to the death of 514 Palestinians and the injury of about 5,000 others, according to an Anatolia census based on data from the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

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