The occupation establishes an intelligence unit in the Golan and Hezbollah launches attacks on the Galilee | News


The Israeli army announced that its Northern Command had established a new unit in the Golan, while Hezbollah announced that it had launched attacks on Israeli military bases and headquarters in the Galilee.

The Israeli army said that it established the new unit in the Golan Heights to deal with what it described as “enemy threats, especially intelligence threats.”

The occupation army also announced that it bombed a Hezbollah military building in Maroun al-Ras and a missile launch pad in Majdal Zun in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah attacks

In contrast, the Lebanese Hezbollah said that it had targeted the Rosh Hanikra settlement for the first time and bombarded the Metzova settlement with rocket barrages. It also confirmed that it had targeted the Malkiya site in northern Israel and achieved a direct hit.

Tel Aviv Tribune’s correspondent reported that sirens sounded in the Upper Galilee after a suspected drone infiltration, while Israel’s Channel 12 said that firefighting teams were working to extinguish fires in two areas in the Western Galilee after shells fell from Lebanon.

In turn, the Israeli radio reported the outbreak of fires in northern Israel after about 15 rockets were fired from southern Lebanon towards the Western Galilee.

She added that Civil Defense teams are working to extinguish fires in the areas of Mitzpe and Mitzpe Hila in the Western Galilee.

Hezbollah had previously announced that it had attacked several Israeli sites in the Galilee, the Golan Heights, the occupied Shebaa Farms, the sites of Al-Raheb, Al-Matula, Ruwaysat Al-Qarn, the Zabadin barracks, a military checkpoint in the settlement of Dan, the Abiriyem base, and the Israeli artillery position in Al-Zaoura.

The Israeli army admitted that a soldier was seriously injured as a result of targeting the town of Dan, while the Israeli army radio said – quoting military sources – that the army forces attacked nearly 30 targets in southern Lebanon during the past hours, most of which were missile launch pads.

The sources explained to the radio that the raids targeted the surroundings of the towns of Naqoura, Zebqin, Majdal Zun and Al-Shaitiya in southern Lebanon.

Since October 8, 2023, Lebanese and Palestinian factions in Lebanon, most notably Hezbollah, have been exchanging daily shelling with the Israeli army, resulting in hundreds of deaths and injuries, most of them on the Lebanese side.

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