The Attorney General of Brazil indicted former President Jair Bolsonaro for having tried a coup in order to stay in power after his electoral defeat of 2022.
The prosecutor general of Brazil said on Tuesday that former leader Jair Bolsonaro knew and accepted a plan aimed at poisoning his successor and current president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, as part of an attempted coup to stay at power.
The Attorney General Paulo Gonet formally accused Jair Bolsonaro of attempted coup to stay in power after his defeat in the 2022 elections. He declared that the plan also aimed to shoot down the Supreme Court Alexander of Moraes, a opponent of the former president.
According to Gonet, Bolsonaro and 33 other people participated in the plan aimed at staying in power despite his defeat against the current president Lula.
“The members of the criminal organization have structured at the presidential palace a plan of attack on the institutions aimed at dropping the system of powers and the democratic order, which received the sinister name of ‘green and yellow daggers’,” declared Mr. Gonet in the report. “The plan was designed and brought to the attention of the president, who approved it”.
Last November, federal police gave the Gonet prosecutor a report of 884 pages detailing the project. According to this text, it was a question of systematically sowing mistrust with regard to the electoral system within the population, of writing a decree to give the plot a varnish of legality, to put pressure on the high officers of the army army So that they adhere to the plan and to cause a riot in the capital.
The Supreme Court will analyze the accusations and, if accepted, Bolsonaro will be tried.
The far -right leader denies having committed reprehensible acts. “I have no concerns about the accusations, zero,” Bolsonaro told journalists earlier on Tuesday during a visit to the Senate in Brasilia.
“Have you seen the coup decree, by chance? You haven’t seen it. Me either,” he added.
The defense team of the former strong man of Brasilia declared that she welcomed these accusations with “dismay and indignation”, adding in a press release that the former “president has never approved a movement aimed at deconstructing the Docutic law or institutions that underlie it “.
Bolsonaro’s son, senator Flávio Bolsonaro, said on the X platform that the indictment was “empty” and that there was no evidence of reprehensible acts. He accused the prosecutor’s office of serving “Lula’s harmful interests”.
The sorrows incurred vary from one offense to another. If Bolsonaro is found guilty of attempted coup d’etat and violent abolition of the rule of democratic law, he could be sentenced to a penalty of up to 20 years in prisonin accordance with the country’s penal code.
The accusation acts, based on manuscripts, digital files, calculation sheets and exchanges of messages, reveal a plan aimed at disturbing democratic order, according to the prosecutor’s office.
These accusations are “historic”, said Luis Henrique Machado, criminal lawyer and professor at IDP University in Brasilia, adding that the Supreme Court accepts the accusations and judges Bolsonaro before the end of the Next year.
Additional sources • Adaptation: Serge Duchêne