The enlargement of the European Union towards the East begins

The European Union officially opened accession negotiations for Ukraine and Moldova this Tuesday in Luxembourg. The process could take years.


It is a moment described as “historical” by representatives of the 27 Member States, even if not all support Kyiv’s membership in the Union.

Ukraine is committed to making all the necessary reforms and its Deputy Prime Minister, Ola Stefanishyna, assures that 90% of the population supports this process.

The Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hadja Lahbib, said she was confident in the success of the process, without hiding the difficulties it represents: “Let’s be fair and honest: the road will be long and it will not always be easy. We know we have a lot of work ahead of us. But with unwavering determination, we are confident that Ukraine can do it.

A few hours later, Moldova also began its membership negotiations with the European Union. For her too, the talks could last years before reaching a conclusion.

Both countries applied to join the European Union in February 2022.

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