The end of the first day of CAN 2024 is approaching with Group D and E matches on Tuesday. Promising teams, who will try to launch their campaign as best …
Surprised by the speed and self-sacrifice of the Namibian players, Tunisia lost (0-1) on Tuesday to the supposedly weakest team in group E. LKa Nambia can celebrate: its players won …
The Tunisian coach revealed on Thursday the list of players selected to play in the African Cup of Nations in Ivory Coast (January 13 – February 11). Manchester United attacking …
In Tunisia, pro-Palestinian fervor pushed for an anti-NGO law | Israeli-Palestinian conflict News
Tunis, Tunisia – The war on Gaza has offered Tunisia a rare moment of political unity, fueling public appetite for new legislation that risks fracturing civil society groups and potentially …
Tunisia debates bill to criminalize normalization of ties with Israel | Israeli-Palestinian conflict News
The project prohibits “the recognition of the Zionist entity or the establishment of direct or indirect links” with it. Tunisia’s parliament has begun debating a bill that would criminalize any …
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