Join Qatar 365 in a hot air balloon, in glamping in the desert and by cruise ship. There is no shortage of activities in Qatar in winter. Take a stroll …
In partnership with All rights reserved Euronews All rights reserved Euronews Published on 02/05/2025 – 15:00 UTC+1 Share this article Lovers of sport, nature or well-being, Qatar has something to …
The last few months have brutally reminded Europe of the power of floods and the devastating consequences they can cause. But could nature, rather than man-made infrastructure, solve our flood …
In Luton, volunteers are planting trees to replenish Hay Forest. The latter has been reduced by half since the 1940s. ADVERTISEMENT Restoring nature to combat climate anxiety and resulting inaction …
According to some studies, getting closer to nature, especially for city dwellers, has many benefits. ADVERTISEMENT Launch of the end-of-year celebrations in Berlin, with the transformation of the city’s zoo …