Occupied Jerusalem- On June 14, a Jerusalemite child, Muhammad Hoshiya, was shot by an Israeli sniper while he was returning to a house where his family lived in the Umm …
Ishaq Musa Al-Husseini…the Jerusalemite critic and pioneer of literary studies in Palestine | Encyclopedia
A Palestinian writer and critic, he was born in Jerusalem in 1904 and died there in 1990. He was called “the professor of the generation” and “the pioneer of literary …
Fatima Al-Muheb (1927-2006) is a Palestinian visual artist. She believes that artistic culture is necessary for every human being. She began practicing painting as an amateur. She painted a painting …
The aggressor turns into a victim…the story of the young Jerusalemite Sinan Barakat | Policy
Occupied Jerusalem- Under the influence of anesthesia, the young man Sinan Barkat Abu Al-Filat is lying in the intensive care unit of the Israeli “Shaare Zedek” Hospital, west of Jerusalem, …
Beit Hanina.. Get to know it: a Jerusalemite village whose residents emigrated most of it | Policy
Occupied Jerusalem- The village of Beit Hanina is located northwest of the occupied city of Jerusalem, but the Israeli separation wall separated old Beit Hanina from its new extension towards …
From the horrors of the setback… Who was the Jerusalemite martyr who was buried in the yard of his house for 6 months? | Policy
Occupied Jerusalem- On a street called “Youssef Fatiha” in Jerusalem, after a martyr with the same name who rose during the “setback,” Tel Aviv Tribune Net walked in search of …
The village of Ishua…a Jerusalemite town named after a prophet and displaced by Zionist organizations | Encyclopedia
A Palestinian Arab village displaced since 1948, located west of the city of Jerusalem on the main paved Beit Jibrin-Bab al-Wad road. Zionist organizations attacked it in 1948 in Operation …
Beit Mahsir…a Jerusalemite village destroyed by the Haganah, and two settlements were built on its ruins Encyclopedia
A Palestinian village that has been displaced since 1948. It is one of the villages in the Jerusalem district. It and its people had an active role in the historic …
A released Jerusalemite prisoner told Al Jazeera Net: The prisoners do not see the sun Jerusalem News
Tel Aviv Tribune Net correspondents Occupied Jerusalem- The released Jerusalem prisoner Omar Maatouq told Tel Aviv Tribune Net that Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons have not seen the sun since …
Watch.. A young Jerusalemite man punches occupation soldiers in the village of Jabal Mukaber | Mix
A video clip that spread on social media today, Wednesday, January 3, 2024, documented the courage of a young Palestinian who clashed with members of the Israeli occupation police, pounced …