The young man from Jerusalem, Maher Salah, tells Tel Aviv Tribune Net the details of how he and his brother were severely beaten by the occupation army and police, after …
Nudity and rape… A Jerusalemite lawyer narrates his observations in Israeli prisons policy
Palestinian lawyer Iyad Abu Sneineh from Jerusalem speaks to Tel Aviv Tribune Net about his detention experience, which lasted 11 months and included cruel torture and deprivation of dignity, which …
Al-Jib.. A Jerusalemite village rich in antiquities is being devoured by settlements | Politics
The village of Al-Jib is about 9 kilometers away from the city of Jerusalem from the northwestern side, but it is isolated from it by the wall, while settlements are …
Jerusalemite expert: For these reasons, settlement associations target the Mount of Olives | Politics
Occupied Jerusalem Khalil Al-Tafakji, a map and settlement expert in Jerusalem, said that there are three reasons behind the settlers’ attacks on Palestinian properties in the occupied city of Jerusalem. …
The effects of the violence perpetrated by Israeli extremists are still evident on the body of the young Jerusalemite, Daoud Hamouda, despite the passing of days since the incident of …
Jerusalemite Lawyer: This is what we asked the Israeli court regarding Wadi al-Joz neighborhood | Politics
The occupation authorities are trying to impose an unacceptable organizational reality on the residents of the Jerusalemite neighborhood of Wadi al-Joz, by approving the establishment of the “Silicon Valley” project …
Occupation thwarts ambition of Jerusalemite football coach who reached international fame | Sports
Mohammed Al-Dajani is a young man from Jerusalem who has been fascinated by sports since his early childhood until he achieved his ambition to reach the world level, but the …
Biddu.. A Jerusalemite town suffering from economic hardship and settlement ambitions | Politics
Biddu is located northwest of Jerusalem, and its population is estimated at about 10,000 people. The shrinking of its land and the decline in job opportunities are the most important …
Video: Jerusalemite child under house arrest and threatened with 3 years in prison | Politics
Mahalla Al-Quds – Despite 14 months of house arrest, the Jerusalemite child Ayham Al-Salaymeh (14 years old) is facing three years of actual imprisonment. The child, Al-Salaymeh, has been under …
Qalandiya camp (north of Jerusalem): On Wednesday, the Israeli occupation authorities released the Jerusalemite prisoner, Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Salhi (42 years old), from the Qalandiya camp, north of occupied Jerusalem. Although …