Abdul Hamid Al-Sayeh (1907-2001) was a fighter who participated in all stages of the Palestinian national struggle, and dedicated his life to supporting and protecting the holy city of Jerusalem. …
Jewish immigration to Palestine…encouraged by Napoleon and resisted by Sultan Abdul Hamid | Policy
Until the 19th century, the Jewish presence in Palestine was estimated at small numbers, and did not exceed a few thousand dispersed between Safed, Tiberias, Jerusalem, Jaffa, and other areas …
Occupied Jerusalem- The Palestinian artist Abdul Jalil Al-Razem, who is from the city of Jerusalem, harnesses his talent in drawing to serve his city and his cause, as none of …
Urgent | Abdul Malik Al-Houthi: The Israeli enemy insists on committing crimes, imposing a siege, and practicing starvation against the Palestinian people | News
Urgent | Abdul Malik Al-Houthi: The Israeli enemy insists on committing crimes, imposing a siege, and practicing starvation against the Palestinian people Urgent | Abdul Malik Al-Houthi: Any American aggression …