Sweden’s entry into NATO: Budapest and Stockholm sign a military agreement

Hungary announced that it had purchased four Gripen fighter jets from Sweden. An agreement which should allow Stockholm to finally join NATO.


Hungary announced on Friday the purchase of four combat aircraft from Sweden, showing a desire for reinforced military cooperation three days before the planned vote in the Hungarian parliament to allow the Nordic country to join NATO.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán unveiled this contract during the highly anticipated visit of his Swedish counterpart to Budapest.

“Today we reached an agreement to add four aircraft to the Hungarian Defense Forces’ Gripen fighter-bomber fleet”in addition to the 14 already operated under leasing, he declared at a press conference.

An agreement which should allow Stockholm to finally access the Transatlantic Alliance. Since Turkey’s green light last month, Hungary was the last of 31 NATO countries missing.

“The conversation was constructive”said Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson. “We don’t agree on everything, but we agree to work more actively together when we have common ground”he added.

Viktor Orbán, whose nationalist government has close economic ties with Russia, repeatedly delayed ratification as Sweden criticized Hungary for its rule of law record.

To get around the Hungarian obstacle, the Swedish government had to make a gesture and respond to the invitation launched in January by Viktor Orbán, in order to renew ties, but without “negotiations” neither “requirements” on the NATO file, Stockholm had made it clear previously.

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