Sweden: the Iraqi refugee author of several Koran autodafés killed by bullet

This article was initially published in English

The Iraqi refugee Salwan Momika was shot in the suburbs of Stockholm, confirmed, Thursday, January 30, a court of the Swedish capital which was to render the same day his judgment on the accusations of incitement to ethnic hatred carried against him .


Salwan Momika, who had repeatedly burned copies of the Koran, was killed by ball in the suburbs of Stockholm, Swedish media said on Thursday. Police confirmed one dead dead on Wednesday evening as well as the arrest of five people in the investigation for murder.

“The police arrested five people overnight. The prosecution placed them in arrest”she said on her website. A Stockholm court which was due to rendered its judgment Thursday on accusations of incentive to ethnic hatred against Salwan Momika, said it has postponed its decision because “One of the accused died.”

Police explained in a statement that they were called for shots by bullets on Wednesday evening in a building in Sodustalje, in the suburbs of Stockholm, where this Iraqi of Christian confession lived. Upon her arrival in the building, she found “A man hit by bullets who was taken to the hospital”before later indicating that he was dead and that a murder investigation had been opened. According to several media, Momika was live on social networks and his murder may have been filmed.

According to several media, the latter was live on social networks. In August, Salwan Momika and his accomplice Salwan Najem had been sent back to judgment for “Agitation against an ethnic group” On four occasions in the summer of 2023. According to the indictment, the duo profaned the Koran, including burning copies while making derogatory remarks on Muslims – in one of the cases at the Exterior of a Stockholm mosque.

Degraded relations between Sweden and the Middle East

Salwan Mumika and Salwan Najem were sent back to judgment for “Agitation against an ethnic group” On four occasions in the summer of 2023. According to the indictment, the duo profaned the Koran, including burning it while making derogatory remarks on Muslims – in a case outside A Mosque of Stockholm.

Relations between Sweden and several countries in the Middle East deteriorated in the summer of 2023 due to the actions of these two men. In July 2023, Iraqi demonstrators stormed the Sweden Embassy in Baghdad twice, triggering the second time from fires in the embassy. In August of the same year, the Swedish intelligence service Sapo noted its level of threat to four on a scale of five, the fires of the Koran having made the country a “Priority target”.

The Swedish government condemned profanations while recalling that freedom of expression and meeting was protected by the Constitution. In October 2023, a Swedish court recognized a man guilty of ethnic hatred incentive for burning the Koran in 2020, the first conviction of this type.

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