Spain: three months after the deadly floods, the demonstrators standing against the regional government

This article was initially published in English

A fourth demonstration took place on Saturday in the streets of Valencia to request the resignation of the regional president, Carlos Mazón, and his government for the way in which they managed the deadly floods of last October.


Thousands of people went down to the streets of Valence on Saturday to request the resignation of regional president Carlos Mazón and his government for their response to the devastating floods that killed hundreds of people.

The demonstration was organized by more than 200 civic, social and union organizations in the Valence region. It was the fourth time that demonstrators have descended in the streets of Valencia for this cause.

Although less important than the three previous demonstrations in the Spanish city, walking attracted around 25,000 people, according to the authorities.

Mr. Mazón has been subject to considerable pressure since his administration has not disseminated flood alerts on mobile phones of citizens, just hours after the start of floods last October.

Mr. Mazón, a member of the conservative popular party, is also criticized for what people perceive as a slow and chaotic response to natural disaster. Thousands of volunteers were the first to go to the field in the hardest affected areas in the southern suburbs of Valence. Authorities took days to mobilize the thousands of police and soldiers that the regional government had asked the central authorities to send.

Residents, who have to face a long and expensive reconstruction process, say the government has also been slow to provide help.

Mr. Mazón defended his management of the crisis by affirming that his magnitude was unpredictable and that his administration had not received enough warnings from the central authorities.

224 people were killed by floods. Thousands of others have lost their accommodation.

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