Sanctifying indiscriminate killing in Gaza.. Haaretz: A second defeat for Israel Politics news

A report by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz said that the right-wing settler camp, “which has taken the Jewish nation hostage,” is determined to send messages that prohibit criticism of the government and the “saint” army soldiers and their leaders, and prohibit an end to the fighting.

The report prepared by Uri Misgav added that this camp considers the dead soldiers and hostages “a noble and worthwhile sacrifice on the path to salvation, and they are the silver platter on which the Jewish state will rise.”

This camp also considers Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to be the donkey of Christ, a useful fool, and they constantly warn him that the day he dares to stop fighting is the day his government will fall. He does not object to that for an ideological reason, but because his only belief is survival. in power.

In the past, Netanyahu avoided military operations out of respect for the custom that says that Israelis are sensitive to the killing of soldiers, but the map has changed, so that polls prove that Al-Qaeda wants blood, fire and plumes of smoke, and the daily body count is considered a divine destiny even by parties that did not support this nightmare government, according to the expression. The newspaper.

A very shaky position

Indeed, the hostages were sacrificed, as the hero of the “Messianic camp,” Brigadier General Barak Hiram, admitted without batting an eyelid that on October 7, he ordered a tank to fire on a house in Kibbutz Be’eri, inside which the “terrorists” were holding 14 hostages, and he was killed. All but two are in the bombing. The newspaper also says that the division commander who issued such an order should remain in prison.

The New York Times published the incident as part of a comprehensive investigation into the attack that took place in Be’eri, but the Israeli media, with the exception of Haaretz – as it says about itself – has no room to criticize the army, nor to consider a guerrilla war during which the army is drowning in the mud of Gaza. Without a diplomatic horizon and under an unfit leader.

Israel has become more cruel and stupid, and its international standing is very shaky, the writer says. While journalist Zvi Yehezkeli continues to repeat on Channel 13 News that 100,000 Gazans should have been killed in the first strike of the war, and who asserts that every resident of the Gaza Strip is linked to Hamas, in a call for genocide, he is nevertheless currently considered the spokesman Most popular in Israeli media.

Uri Misgav concluded that a society that sanctifies random death and murder loses its moral superiority and justification for its existence, considering that this is the second strong strike directed by Hamas against Israel, and it is more horrific than the first strike.

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