Russia: Trial of American Journalist Opens

The trial of American journalist Evan Gershkovich has opened in Russia. Accused of espionage, he faces a sentence of 20 years in prison.


It was in this court in Yekaterinburg, in western Russia, that the trial of Evan Gershkovich opened this Wednesday. The press had brief access to the courtroom before the start of the trial, which was held behind closed doors.

It is in this city that the American journalist was arrested more than a year ago, in March 2023, during a report on one of the main Russian arms manufacturers.

Investigators suspect him of having wanted to collect secret information on behalf of the CIA. If convicted, the Wall Street Journal reporter faces a sentence of 20 years in prison. Evan Gershkovich formally rejects these accusations. Those close to him denounce a case fabricated by Moscow.

After this first appearance, the court specified that the next hearing will take place in August. In the meantime, the journalist will remain in pre-trial detention.

On the diplomatic level, Vladimir Putin recognized a few weeks ago that discussions were underway with Washington for an exchange of prisoners which would allow the release of the journalist.

Other American citizens are currently detained in Russia. Among them, a journalist and a former marine, who is serving a 16-year prison sentence for espionage.

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