Russia: dozens of people arrested after Alexeï Navalny’s funeral

Several arrests took place in Moscow and other cities in the country, according to a Russian NGO.


Several thousand Russians gathered for the funeral of Alexeï Navalny earlier this Friday at the Moscow cemetery of Borissovo.

The remains of Vladimir Putin’s main opponent arrived around noon to the applause of the crowd. Two hours later, his body was buried as crowds chanted his name.

Western ambassadors were also present at his funeral but also Russian political figures ousted from the presidential election by the Kremlin. Many anonymous people paid him a last tribute, most of them holding a flower in their hand.

Russian authorities had warned against any “unauthorized” demonstrations. But initially the police allowed the rallies to take place.

According to a Russian NGO, at least sixty-seven people were arrested by the authorities following gatherings during the funeral of Alexei Navalny.

These arrests took place in several cities across the country, including Moscow.

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