Russia and China conduct joint military exercises

Russia and China are conducting joint military exercises at a southern Chinese military port as tensions with NATO rise.


Chinese and Russian navies have kicked off a joint military exercise, just days after NATO allies branded Beijing a “Decisive facilitator” of the war in Ukraine. A term rejected by China, which in turn denounces the “imaginary enemy tactics”according to Chinese media.

Forces from both sides have been patrolling the western and northern Pacific Ocean, according to China’s Defense Ministry. This is the fourth joint exercise between the two sides since 2021.

The ministry also clarified in its brief statement that the operation had nothing to do with the international and regional situation, and that it was not aimed at targeting any third party.

The joint exercises follow recent tensions between China and its NATO allies last week.

Earlier, a NATO statement expressed concerns about Beijing’s nuclear arsenal and space capabilities, making it clear that China is becoming a concern for the alliance.

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